How Folic Acid Can Help Fertility and Get You Pregnant

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Becoming pregnant can be frustrating and discouraging when it doesn’t happen right away. There are many common problems that could be preventing you from getting pregnant including a folic acid, or folate, deficiency.

According to research fellow Dr. Jorge Chavarro from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, folic acid is one of the most important reasons for reducing the chance of ovulatory failure.

Folic acid is the synthetic form of the B-vitamin folate, it can be found in supplements as well as enriched foods such as cereal or other grains.

Taking folic acid for at least one month before conception reduces the risk of neural-tube defects, such as spina bifida, by up to 70 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The recommended-daily dose of folic acid for women who want to get pregnant is .4 milligrams, during pregnancy the recommended amount is .6 to .8 milligrams.

Not only can it help you get pregnant, but this vitamin can also help embryo survival as well as brain development of the child during pregnancy.

A study done by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine on more than 18,000 women found that those who took multivitamins that included folic acid had improved fertility.

These women also had a 40 percent lower risk of complications producing eggs.

Along with supplements, you can find folic acid in its natural form in many vegetables and fruits:

• Lentils

• Dried beans, peas

• Broccoli

• Spinach

• Collard or turnip greens

• Okra

• Asparagus

• Citrus fruit: papaya, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, raspberries

• Avocado

• Seed & nuts

• Cauliflower

• Beets

• Corn

• Carrots

• Squash

Getting the recommended-daily amount of folic acid before and during pregnancy is one of the easiest ways to improve fertility and to have a healthier pregnancy. You can find folic acid supplements at your local grocery story.

 5 Tips to Stay Healthy While Pregnant

1) Healthy eating
Maintain a balanced diet full of unprocessed and whole foods. Make sure to eat daily servings of fruits and vegetables, as well as protein such as fish, lean meats and/or nuts. For carbohydrates, choose whole grains such as quinoa instead of processed foods such as white bread.

2) Curb the caffeine
Too much caffeine during pregnancy can potentially increase your risk of miscarriage as well as a low-birth weight for the baby. It is recommended to not consume more than 200mg of caffeine a day while pregnant.

3) Quit smoking
Not only does smoking have serious impacts on overall health, but can cause severe health problems for your baby if smoking while pregnant. Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, SIDS, and low birth rate. Quitting smoking before you become pregnant is one of the best decisions for a healthy pregnancy.

4) Exercise
Even though exercise can become more difficult when pregnant, staying active is important for not just your physical health, but mental wellbeing as well. Activities such as brisk walking, swimming and yoga are especially beneficial when pregnant and can help build strength.

5) Acupuncture for fertility
Acupuncture treatment can be beneficial for pregnant women for multiple reasons. Studies have shown acupuncture can reduce symptoms of morning sickness such as nausea and vomiting. It is common to experience lower back pain during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Acupuncture can help relieve pain and relax the body. Many women report having sleep problems during pregnancy. Acupuncture can address this through specific acupuncture points that calm the mind and return the body back to its natural energy flow and balance, increasing quality of sleep.



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